Other services

Other services we provide to our clients in the area of Czech-Polish cooperation. These include primarily consecutive interpreting during business meetings and individual client projects.

In this regard, we provide the following services:

1. On-site consecutive interpreting

Do you need an interpreter for a business or official meeting? Are you looking for someone who understands Polish and Czech and can translate what you say to the other party? Entrust us with the translation of your meeting and see for yourself whether you can understand the other side. In addition, you are guaranteed 100% confidentiality in everything that will be discussed at the meeting.

2. Consecutive interpreting via teleconference

Today’s time brings many gadgets in digital form. One of them is the possibility of teleconferencing with several participants simultaneously. In practice, this means that you will connect with participants by phone. When you are done talking, we translate what you said to the other party and vice versa. This is a convenient option for consecutive interpreting in small groups. You can learn more about the teleconferencing feature here.

3. Individual customer projects

If you are looking for qualified people for permanent cooperation in translation or communication in Czech, you can contact us. We have worked and continue to work with many clients doing business on the Czech market. Before starting long-term cooperation with our clients, we agree on all terms and conditions of cooperation in Cracow or online via Microsoft Teams. We advise clients on how to improve cooperation to achieve visible results in a short time. For more information, see the article How to start a permanent cooperation?

4. Translations of EU project documentation

5. Translations of leaflets

6. Translations of bachelor’s theses

7. Translations from Polish into Czech

8. Translations from Slovak to Czech and vice versa

9. Proofreading translations of printed texts

10. Voice recording by a native speaker

11. Czech language conversations

More information here.

12. Research on the Czech market

13. Resolving a dispute with a client

Therefore, if you need help with the above services or something completely different regarding e-commerce in the Czech Republic, do not hesitate to contact us at (+48) 793 990 708 or by email at info@czeskastrefa.pl